Summer Flower Soluble Fertilizer

Fast-acting water-soluble micro-nutrient complete fertilizer for geraniums, surfinias, petunias, hornbills, lobelia, chrysanthemums, levothi, lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, sage, dahlias, leeches, perennials, asters, roses, perennials, and for fertilizing ornamental shrubs. The fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains all the important microelements for plants in a form that is easily assimilated by them. It accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the formation of new flower buds. The magnesium and trace elements contained in the fertilizer strengthen the plants, ensure optimal growth and make the flower color bright. The flowers bloom profusely and for a long time. The potassium in the fertilizer strengthens the plants, intensifies the aroma of the flowers and increases the resistance of the plants to adverse growing conditions and diseases.


Dissolve 1 heaped measuring spoon* of fertilizer with 5 l of water two times a week or 2 heaped measuring spoons of fertilizer with 5 l of water once a week. * There is a measuring spoon in the bucket. 1 heaping measuring spoonful of fertilizer = 2 g. 300 g is sufficient for 600 l of water.


1 g

Categories: , SKU: 4742604009428en

Additional information

Weight 0,325 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 7,8 cm
EAN code


Full name

BALTIC AGRO Summer Flower Water Soluble Fertilizer 300 g

Point of sales

Point of sales

Haapsalu Bauhof

Tallinna maantee 75, 90401 Uuemõisa, Estonia


Kuressaare Bauhof

Põlluvahe 2, 93876 Kuressaare, Estonia


Laagri Bauhof

Pärnu maantee 558, 76401 Laagri, Estonia


Lasnamäe Bauhof

J. Smuuli tee 41, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia


Mustamäe Bauhof

A. H. Tammsaare tee 116, 12915 Tallinn, Estonia


Pärnu Bauhof

Papiniidu 5, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


Põlva Bauhof

Jaama 12a, 63303 Põlva, Estonia


Rakvere Bauhof

Ringtee 2, 44420 Rakvere, Estonia


Tartu Bauhof

Ringtee 69, 51014 Räni, Estonia


Viljandi Bauhof

Reinu tee 29a, 71020 Viljandi, Estonia


Decora e-pood

Riia 128, 50411 Tartu, Estonia


Decora Pärnu

Suur-Jõe 57, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


Decora Põltsamaa

Viljandi maantee 2, 48103 Põltsamaa, Estonia


Decora Tallinn

Laki 4, 10621 Tallinn, Estonia


Decora Tartu

Riia 128, 50411 Tartu, Estonia


Decora Võru

Lepa 2, 65610 Võru, Estonia


Espak Paide

Prääma tee 20, 72715 Paide, Estonia


Espak Põlva

Jaama 16d, 63308 Põlva, Estonia


Espak Tallinn

Viadukti 42, 11313 Tallinn, Estonia


Espak Viljandi

Reinu tee 35, 71020 Viljandi, Estonia


Espak Võru

Kubja tee 36, 65603 Võlsi, Estonia


Akadeemia Konsum

Akadeemia tee 35, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia


Jõgeva Konsum

Aia 3, 48306 Jõgeva, Estonia


Kadrina Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Viitna tee 4, Kadrina, 45201, Kadrina vald, Lääne-Viru maakond, 45201 Kadrina, Estonia


Tapa Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Kalmistu 3, 45109 Tapa, Estonia


Väike-Maarja Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Pikk 12, 46202 Väike-Maarja, Estonia


Juhani Puukool Harku

Järvekalda tee 33, 76912 Harkujärve, Estonia


Juhani Puukool Tartu

Soojuse tee 23, 62207 Lohkva, Estonia


Juhani Puukool Viimsi

Muuli tee 8, 74015 Miiduranna, Estonia


K-rauta Kuressaare

Tallinna maantee 88, 80043 Pärnu, Estonia


K-rauta Pärnu

Papiniidu 2a, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


K-rauta Rakvere

Haljala tee 4, 44415 Tõrremäe, Estonia


K-rauta Tartu

Riia 140e, 51014 Tartu, Estonia


K-rauta Tondi

A. H. Tammsaare tee 49, 11316 Tallinn, Estonia


K-rauta Valga

Tartu 84, 68208 Valga, Estonia


K-rauta Võru

Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 89, 65604 Võru, Estonia





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