Strawberry Water Soluble Fertilizer

Fast-acting water-soluble micro-nutrient complete fertilizer for watering strawberries, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry and other berry crops. Plants absorb nutrients from the fertilizer very easily, as the fertilizer has a balanced composition and contains microelements in a well-absorbed form. Promotes flowering and fruiting, increases yields and prolongs the fruiting period. It is rich in potassium that promotes fruit growth and strengthens plants, accelerates fruit ripening, intensifies the aroma and increases the plants’ resistance to frost and resistance to diseases.


Dissolve 1 heaped measuring spoon * of fertilizer with 1 l of water once a week or 1 heaped measuring spoon of fertilizer with 10 l of water with every watering. The fertilizer is used for additional fertilization in spring and summer. When fertilizing through the leaves, spray 2 teaspoons of 1 l of water with 1% solution. When spraying, avoid hot, sunny weather and spray in cloudy weather, in the morning or evening. * There is a measuring spoon in the bucket. 1 heaping measuring spoonful of fertilizer = 2 g. 300 g is sufficient for 600 liters of water.


1 g

Categories: , SKU: 4742604009459en

Additional information

Weight 0,325 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 7,8 cm
EAN code


Full name

BALTIC AGRO Strawberry Water Soluble Fertilizer 300 g

Point of sales

Point of sales

Haapsalu Bauhof

Tallinna maantee 75, 90401 Uuemõisa, Estonia


Jõhvi Bauhof

Narva maantee 141, 41536 Jõhvi, Estonia


Mustamäe Bauhof

A. H. Tammsaare tee 116, 12915 Tallinn, Estonia


Pärnu Bauhof

Papiniidu 5, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


Põlva Bauhof

Jaama 12a, 63303 Põlva, Estonia


Rakvere Bauhof

Ringtee 2, 44420 Rakvere, Estonia


Tartu Bauhof

Ringtee 69, 51014 Räni, Estonia


Decora e-pood

Riia 128, 50411 Tartu, Estonia


Decora Tallinn

Laki 4, 10621 Tallinn, Estonia


Espak Põlva

Jaama 16d, 63308 Põlva, Estonia


Kunda Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Mäe 33, 44107, Kunda linn, Lääne-Viru maakond, 44107 Kunda, Estonia


Juhani Puukool Jõhvi

A. H. Tammsaare 55, 41533 Jõhvi, Estonia


K-rauta Haabersti

Paldiski maantee 108a, 13517 Tallinn, Estonia


K-rauta Tartu

Riia 140e, 51014 Tartu, Estonia


K-rauta Valga

Tartu 84, 68208 Valga, Estonia


























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