Grape Water Soluble Fertilizer

Fast-acting water-soluble micro-nutrient fertilizer for grapes. Fertilization improves plant growth, ensures abundant flowering and fruiting, and gives a delicious harvest. Balanced plants have good resistance to pests and diseases. The fertilizer contains all the basic nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants in a suitable ratio and microelements in an easily assimilable form.


Dissolve 2 heaped measuring spoons* of fertilizer with 5 l of water once a week. It is recommended to use the fertilizer from the beginning of growth until July. *There is a measuring spoon in the bucket. 1 heaping measuring spoonful of fertilizer = 2 g. 300 g is sufficient for 600 l of water.


1 g

Additional information

Weight 0,325 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 7,8 cm
EAN code


Full name

BALTIC AGRO Water Soluble Fertilizer for Grape 300 g

Point of sales

Point of sales

Decora Pärnu

Suur-Jõe 57, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


Decora Põltsamaa

Viljandi maantee 2, 48103 Põltsamaa, Estonia


Espak Tallinn

Viadukti 42, 11313 Tallinn, Estonia


Espak Viljandi

Reinu tee 35, 71020 Viljandi, Estonia


Koeru Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Pärna puiestee 2, 73001 Koeru, Estonia


Kunda Konsum / Ehituskeskus

Mäe 33, 44107, Kunda linn, Lääne-Viru maakond, 44107 Kunda, Estonia


Juhani Puukool Jõhvi

A. H. Tammsaare 55, 41533 Jõhvi, Estonia


K-rauta Haabersti

Paldiski maantee 108a, 13517 Tallinn, Estonia


K-rauta Kuressaare

Tallinna maantee 88, 80043 Pärnu, Estonia


K-rauta Pärnu

Papiniidu 2a, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


K-rauta Rakvere

Haljala tee 4, 44415 Tõrremäe, Estonia


K-rauta Tartu

Riia 140e, 51014 Tartu, Estonia


K-rauta Tondi

A. H. Tammsaare tee 49, 11316 Tallinn, Estonia


K-rauta Valga

Tartu 84, 68208 Valga, Estonia


K-rauta Võru

Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 89, 65604 Võru, Estonia


























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