Garden Fertilizer for Autumn

Granulated autumn garden fertilizer that makes garden plants and lawn resistant to winter cold and diseases. In addition, fertilization prepares the plants for next year’s growth, flowering and crop formation.


Autumn fertilizer is used from July to October. 1 heaped tablespoon is about 20 grams. Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry after harvest 4 kg/100 m². Perennials and bulb flowers, 30-50 g/m². Ornamental trees, shrubs, hedge plants 50-70 g/m². Conifers: thujas, spruces, firs, pines, junipers and rock plants 40 g/m² (40-100 g/conifer). Roses, clematises 50-60 g/m². Rhododendrons 50-60 g/m². Currants, gooseberries 40-50 g/m² (80-125 g/bush). Fruit trees: plum, cherry, apple, pear trees, etc. 80 g/m². When fertilizing the lawn, the granules are sown evenly on dry grass. Watering accelerates the effect of the fertilizer. When fertilizing grass in August-October 2-5 kg/100 m². Lawn fertilization during construction 6-10 kg/100 m².


2 kg

Categories: , SKU: 4742604001583en

Additional information

Weight 1,034 kg
Dimensions 5 × 14,5 × 23 cm
EAN code


Full name

BALTIC AGRO Garden Fertilizer for Autumn 1 kg box

Point of sales

Point of sales

Keila Bauhof

Paldiski maantee 35, 76606 Keila, Estonia


Haapsalu Bauhof

Tallinna maantee 75, 90401 Uuemõisa, Estonia


Jõhvi Bauhof

Narva maantee 141, 41536 Jõhvi, Estonia


Kuressaare Bauhof

Põlluvahe 2, 93876 Kuressaare, Estonia


Laagri Bauhof

Pärnu maantee 558, 76401 Laagri, Estonia


Lasnamäe Bauhof

J. Smuuli tee 41, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia


Mustamäe Bauhof

A. H. Tammsaare tee 116, 12915 Tallinn, Estonia


Pärnu Bauhof

Papiniidu 5, 80042 Pärnu, Estonia


Põlva Bauhof

Jaama 12a, 63303 Põlva, Estonia


Rakvere Bauhof

Ringtee 2, 44420 Rakvere, Estonia


Tartu Bauhof

Ringtee 69, 51014 Räni, Estonia


Valga Bauhof

Viljandi 80a, 68205 Valga, Estonia


Viljandi Bauhof

Reinu tee 29a, 71020 Viljandi, Estonia


Espak Tallinn

Viadukti 42, 11313 Tallinn, Estonia



























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